There are two very exciting events coming up shortly that offer both insights and practicality to the the business of relatedness and sensemaking.
The next Value Network Cluster - which I have to miss, it being 3,000 miles away — is a Collective Intelligence Network Summit hosted at Pepperdine University in Los Angeles. This event provides a terrific line-up of speakers, including Stephen Buckley from MIT’s Center for Collective Intelligence, Harald Katzmair from FAS.research (which has some awesome tools for network analysis), LaVeta Gibbs of Cisco, who is brining value network thinking into Cisco’s customer service operations, and Jeanne Holm from Nasa’s jet propulsion laboratory. This is one I’m really sad to miss.
Closing to home, Shawn Callahan of anecdote will be giving full-day workshops on Narrative Techniques for Business in Boston on March 29. I’m looking forward to seeing Shawn again. He is a Cynefin (aka Cognitive Edge) practitioner who has been applying the Cynefin narrative and sensemaking techniques in the anedcote consulting practice in Australia.
I hope many Boston/East Coast colleagues will be able to attend the narrative training. If you sign up, tell them you read about it in my blog.