March 2006 archives
March 17, 2006 by Patti
Another node in the network of networks interested in social networks
The SNA JumpStart series began yesterday very positively. We had almost 150 people on the call, and despite a phone glitch that kept my guest speaker from getting on the phone, all went well. I await the survey results. We’ve also had a rash of sign-ups for our Yahoo! group community, ona-prac. It’s a bit [...]Archive
March 9, 2006 by Patti
More Sense-Making from SNA
Rob Cross’s recent post in Centrality is a description of the rich context that an SNA/ONA can reveal. Many people think that the creation of maps is the objective of an ONA. The objective is actually to understand the nature of the relationships in the group being examine. That’s why demographic information is so important. [...]Archive
March 8, 2006 by Patti
SNA/ONA Jumpstart Starts Next Week
Just a friendly reminder that our JumpStart starts jumping next week. If you haven’t already signed up, there’s still time to register for any of the four sessions. One of my colleagues in this webinar is Bruce Hoppe, who has provided a lovely introduction in his blog post of February 28th. The concepts of bridging [...]Archive
March 1, 2006 by Patti