May 2005 archives
May 18, 2005 by Patti
Business Blogs: A Practical Guide is out
Over at Gennova last Friday, we had a preview of Business Blogs: A Practical Guide, by Bill Ives and Amanda Watlington. Since I met Bill about a year ago, I’ve been learning a tremendous amount about the world of blogs and continue to get truly practical advice about blogging (I don’t take it all, but [...]Archive
May 14, 2005 by Patti
Time to Collaborate: A tag line for the 21st century
I used our new tagline, “time to collaborate,” in a Gennova meeting yesterday, not by way of introducing a taqline, but as a way to use it in conversation to see if it would stick. I like phrases that have several meanings. I can say, as we know, that it takes time to collaborate. Projects [...]Archive
May 14, 2005 by Patti
Connectedness reaches stardom in SNA community
I was pleased to get an email last week from Barry Wellman, one of the founding researchers in social network analysis. He sent a note to his private distribution list (which subsequently when to all of the INSNA SOCNET list) commending Bruce Hoppe’s blog, Connectedness. Barry said, Two consulting friends have pointed me to this [...]Archive
May 9, 2005 by Patti