April 2005 archives
April 23, 2005 by Patti
Speaking about complexity and SNA/ONA
Thursday was a busy day. In the morning I presented a webinar to 60+ people in HP, the primary audience being the enterprise solution architects community. My former colleague Leo Laverdure, who has had a long-standing interest in complexity and evolutionary architecture, invited me to speak. I was able to cover the basics of Cynefin [...]Archive
April 19, 2005 by Patti
Valdis Krebs on AOK
Valdis Krebs has just started his “Star” stint on AOK (Association of Knowledge Work). (You may have to sign up for AOK if you are not a member already.) He is collecting stories of how networking practices (or lack thereof) reveal whether companies (organizations, the US Intelligence agency) are smart or stupid. I expect it [...]Archive
April 14, 2005 by Patti
Linking Out and Looking for Objects
A former Digital/Compaq colleague, Bob Fleischer sent me a link to Jyri Engeström’s blog entry, Why some social network services work and others don’t — Or: the case for object-centered sociality, which provides an interesting perspective on what’s working and what’s not working in social network software and applications. He contrasts two views of social [...]Archive
April 11, 2005 by Patti