August 2003 archives
August 29, 2003 by Patti
I can’t stop thinking about Stowe Boyd’s article on swarm intelligence in July’s Darwin magazine. It just opened a whole new way of thinking about networks in organizations, learning, and adaptability. It’s a great primer on swarming, and the logic of “bottoms-up” decision-making. Consider: “Bottom-up decision-making is based on a belief in adaptation: a large [...]Archive
August 27, 2003 by Patti
SNA and Project Management
I’ve had the pleasure lately of working with Dennis Smith, an expert in project leadership. As he has become more familiar with SNA, he has become more and more convinced that it can be a valuable tool in assessing the health of a project. He just added a note to his web site today on [...]Archive
August 26, 2003 by Patti
Beautiful Maps
From a post on Ryze today, a link to the KartOO visual meta search engine. Not only does it very quickly draw a map of the connections among search results, it is also very visually appealing (at least to my taste).Archive
August 22, 2003 by Patti