Instant messaging with a CPsquare buddy, Noel Dickover (President of Communibuild Technologies, Inc.), we reviewed his recent posting to the CPsquare community about our decision to use Webcrossing for discussions in the coordinator’s practice group in CPsquare (temporarily abandoning Simplify). It’s worth it, I wanted to say, to get people “into action” in the community but there was more of a sense to it, of collaboration, I thought, so I wrote “collabor-action.”
Now, there’s insight and at least enough thoughts for a whole article. Collaboration makes different kinds of action possible, and meaningful, and collabor-action (collaboraction?) brings to mind a structure of arms linked, moving ahead.
(Naturally, we Googled the term. Found lots of creative, artsy stuff and photos of a party in Chicago, but nothing related to communities of practice and working in networks.)