July 2003 archives
July 26, 2003 by Patti
Theodore Zeldin at the Tate
Saturday morning’s email brought two links to Theodore Zeldin. One, a quote sent around by one of our local knowledge cafe founders: Conversation is a meeting of minds with different memories and habits. When minds meet, they don’t just exchange facts: they transform them, reshape them, draw different implications from them, engage in new trains [...]Archive
July 21, 2003 by Patti
Seven Survival Tips for Knowledge Managers is a good list of tips for thinking about knowledge management. (Thanks to Denham Grey, once again for a good link from CPsquare.) The gist is that it is not possible to “bottle and transfer” knowledge from one person to another: the world is just too complex, people move [...]Archive
July 21, 2003 by Patti
connected selves
Danah Boyd has taken on (publically, in SOCNET) the task of collecting information about digital social networks (Friendster and its ilk), in connected selves. Therein many great links and tidbits about how people use these internet-assisted linkages. Now, I’m starting on the path of thinking about the differences between transactional networks and learning networks. It [...]Archive
July 16, 2003 by Patti